Personal data processing

Ace Partners, hereinafter referred to as the «Customer» and the Counterparty to the Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the «Contractor», by placing in an account in the Traffic Light CPA CRM system, located on the website, voluntarily provide each other all personal data of the participants of these legal relations and third parties, necessary for proper performance of the obligations undertaken by the Parties under the Agreement, subject to the legal grounds of ownership and use of the latter.

At the same time, the Parties give voluntary informed Consent to the use of personal data within the framework of the legislation of the United Kingdom and in order to fulfill the obligations under this Agreement, including the promotion of goods, works, services in the market by contacting potential clients through technical means of communication, to the processing, distribution, provision, transfer and cross-border transfer, as well as other use of all (including biometric and other) personal data provided by the Parties to each other, including data received in the course of performance of obligations under the Agreement from other sources, including publicly available data, which is certified by this Appendix.

The Customer consents to the transfer and processing of personal data to third parties acting on behalf of the Contractor in order to fulfill obligations under this Agreement and under the legislation of the United Kingdom.

The Parties shall not conduct additional verification of personal data provided to each other with respect to its accuracy and legality of transfer from third parties, and the accuracy and legality of transfer of personal data from third parties shall be guaranteed by the transferring Party.

When processing personal data, the Parties undertake to take sufficient legal, organizational and technical measures, or to ensure that they are taken so as to provide the necessary protection of such personal data.

Withdrawal of this Consent to the use of personal data may be carried out by the Parties at any time through technical channels of communication, which entails the termination of the use of personal data by the Parties with the simultaneous termination of obligations under the Agreement between the Customer and the Contractor and its early termination at the initiative of the initiator of such withdrawal of consent.

Upon expiration of the Agreement, the Parties are not obliged to keep personal data.

This Appendix to the Agreement is published on the Internet resource along with the text of the Agreement and is an integral part thereof.

Ace Partners

Be sure to carefully read the terms of the public offer and its Appendices, if you do not agree with any point of the offer, you have the right to refuse to enter into this Agreement with Ace Partners.

If you enter into this agreement, you agree to all of the conditions and conditions of this offer and its Appendices without exceptions or qualifications.